Nykyisin olen kylla siirtynyt lahes taysin digiaikaan. Mutta en kuitenkaan pida sellaisesta digimanipulaatiosta, joka perustuu liaaksi nappuloiden painelulle. Ma yritan ottaa kuvat niin, etta niissa ei tarvitse kayttaa liiaksi mitaan kepulikonsteja. Nama kuvat ovat "studiosta" juuri sellaisenaan, ilman kroppauksia tai varien muuntelua. Liiallinen muokkaus vie kuvista aitouden ja sielun. Siina pitaa olla erityisen tarkkana kun hienosaataa kuvia jalkikateen.
I used to be against digi-photographing and manipulation. But I realized that it was actually the same thing, like with electric-music, that the computer wasn't the substitute for real instruments, but the expansion. After I realized that, I've gone almost totally digital. I make my living with photo-manipulation.
But I still don't like just randomly pushing the buttons. I try to shoot the photos in a way, that I don't need much manipulation. These pictures are from my "studio" as is, without cropping or color adjustments. Too much manipulation wipes out the originality and the soul of the photos.
But I still don't like just randomly pushing the buttons. I try to shoot the photos in a way, that I don't need much manipulation. These pictures are from my "studio" as is, without cropping or color adjustments. Too much manipulation wipes out the originality and the soul of the photos.