Kuva on mun tekele Elegian ja mun yhteisen Collage Obsession-blogin uusimpaan haasteeseen. Aiheena oli potretti, mutta paadyinkin taas tekemaan selfportrait:in. Omakuvia on siina mielessa kaikkein helpoin tyostaa, kun ei tartte yhtaan miettia, etta mita se kuvan henkilo moisesta pelleilysta ajattelee. Kuvasta tein uuden headerinkin, joka ehka kylla viela jalostuu, en ole siihen nyt viela ihan taysin tyytyvainen.
I was suppose to post this image to my art blog, and there is an other version of this image, but I had to show it here too, cause it's so much about my interior.
It's my entry to Elegia's and my Collage Obsession Challenge. The topic is portrait, but I ended up to make a self portrait. It's so easy to manipulate my self, I don't have to think what would the person think of the manipulation.
I made a new header too, but I'll try to improve it still, I'm not quite satisfied with it yet.