"Good Posture" Digital Collage by Kirsi Rouvinen 2014
Hi! I've been so lazy with this blog, that I feel shame. That's why I thought I might as well also post some new collages here. Besides the blog I've been nothing but lazy. I've been working new kits, if you haven't check my shop - itKuPiLLi Imagenarium@DeviantScrap - lately, now it's good time to take a peek, there are tons of new kits.
Tonight I released two new kits - Spiritus Mortis 2, which is a sequel to Spiritus Mortis. And I also made a tiny Spiritus Mortis add-on kit. These collages have been made pretty much with those new kits. Well, there are something from the older Spritus Mortis and Allure Papers kits.
"Forgive Me" Digital Collage by Kirsi Rouvinen 2014
"Low Clouds" Digital Collage by Kirsi Rouvinen 2014 |