Monday, July 4, 2011


"turquoise" Digital Collage by *itKuPiLLi*
Turquoise is a very significant color, it was considered a sacred color by ancient cultures. says a student of the esoteric arts, it is the very base colour of the universe.
 David Icke

Tänään(kin) mulla oli turkoosipäivä. Sitä on tehnyt mieli ahmia oikein runsaasti. Täällä hiukan lisää turkoosia. Mikä väri houkuttelee sinua tänään?

Today I had a turquoise day. I just wanted to devour it more and more.  Here some more turquoise. What color allures you today?

No sain sentään jotain muutakin aikaiseksi...after all I got also something else done:
Available on Itkupillishop and my Etsy-shop.