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Digital Collage by *itKuPiLLi* 2012 |
Carrying on with the theme from the previous post's picture. Old painting, vintage photo and a mannequin face, with a couple of birds as an extra touch. This one is still without a name, as it so often happens to me that, I finish the picture, but can't think of any fitting name.
I think I'll stick with this theme, at least for a few more pictures. I've always loved mixing styles of different periods in my work. Below we have a quite similar picture from 2007, although with Madonna's face instead of a mannequin.
I think I'll stick with this theme, at least for a few more pictures. I've always loved mixing styles of different periods in my work. Below we have a quite similar picture from 2007, although with Madonna's face instead of a mannequin.
edellisen postauksen teemalla. Vanha maalaus, vintage valokuva ja
mallinuken naama, lisäyksenä pari lintua. Tämä työ on vielä toistaiseksi
vailla nimeä, itselleni käy usein niin, etten pysty kuvan valmistuttua
keksimään sille mitään sopivaa nimeä.
Taidan jatkaa vielä samalla linjalla, ainakin muutaman kuvan verran. Olen aina tykännyt yhdistellä eri aikakausien tyylejä töissäni. Alla onkin hieman samanlainen kuva vuosimallia 2007, tosin Madonnan naamalla mallinuken sijaan.
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"Rose Marie" Digital Collage by *itKuPiLLi* 2007 |