Thursday, October 2, 2014

Collage Obsession ~ Diva

"Diva" Digital Collage by Kirsi Rouvinen 2014

The Collage Obsession Challenges are back! And  our new challenge day is Friday! The challenges will be out at midnight the GTM (Greenwich Mean Time), so it's actually still Thursday afternoon here in California.

I hope we will have a successful new season in Collage Obsession, I hope all the good old collage makers  will continue and that we get lots of new participants. Welcome all the collage colleagues!

The Challenge for this week is ~ Diva.

The main character is extracted from the image provided in the challenge, the other stuff is from
 itKuPiLLi from the following kit:


Kollaasi Opsessio on palannut pitkalta kesalomalta. Uusi haasepaiva on perjantai. Taalla Kaliforniassa on viela itseasiassa torstai-iltapaiva.

Toivon, etta kaikki vanhat konkarit jatkaa ja etta saadaan paljon uusia osallistujia. Tervetuloa kaikki kollaasikollegat!